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Writer's pictureSue Thompson

Muscadine Grape Pepper Jelly

(Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links. This means that, at zero cost to you, I will earn an affiliate commission if you click through the link and finalize a purchase.)

In the south we have muscadine grapes. I picked scuppernong grapes which is a type of muscadine grape. They are golden when ready to pick. It was a great harvest this year. I juiced the grapes that I didn't sneak and eat while picking. This golden muscadine grape is beautiful and sweet.

Last year a dear friend of ours shared with us a steam juicer and how it saved so much time. This is the juicer that we use. You put water in the bottom, fruit or grapes in the top section, the juice drains in the middle section and out the tube. Here's what our set up looks like. You can juice all kinds of fruit in this not just grapes. It's a little expensive but it's worth every penny and saves so much time.

We picked the grapes, rinsed them under water, then loaded them into the juicer. The instructions tell you how long to boil the water and steam each kind of fruit. For the grapes it was 20 minutes.

Before we got this steam juicer we had to add water to the grapes, crushed them, boil them, and then drain them in cheese cloth. This process takes a long time. This juicer saves a lot of time.

After we juiced it was time to make jelly. My mom and I split the juice and doubled our efforts on making jelly. My mom made several batches for our fall festival to sell. I made a couple of jelly batches and wanted to try my hand at grape muscadine pepper jelly. Here is the recipe I used. I used the golden juice and the dark red grape juice for this pepper jelly. I used 7 cups of sugar. I used one jalapeno and a tablespoon of crushed red peppers in one batch and I used fresh tabasco peppers in another batch. The fresh peppers made for a spicer jelly. There were at least two tablespoons of peppers combined. I'm not a big fan or have a good heat tolerance so if

you wanted it hotter you could tweek the recipe. I liked the balance of these jellies and it was yummy. Let me know if you try it and how you like it. I would love to hear from you.

If you are interested in buying some of our pepper jelly you can shop HERE. Be sure to choose Red or Golden. We know you will love it.

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