I've decided to do a series of blog posts about some of our courage cards. What inspired each one and take some time to encourage you.

First, these photographs are from my photography (Mama Sue). If you share them please share the love and give us credit. #sajeshomesteadart #sajescouragecards
Second, these phrases are phrases that I have said to myself, to others, and have been super helpful in a healthy healing mindset. Whether you are healing, grieving, doing the daily grind, being a mom or dad, single, or a student these are for you.
Now let's get down to the juicy stuff. This SAJES courage card is "I See You!" Ever been doing your day to day stuff and someone out of no where says I SEE YOU? I see you working hard for our family. I see you losing sleep for that new baby and you keep going. I see you getting those dishes done. Girl look at you getting that laundry done today. You cooked dinner for your kiddos this week and even though two of them complained while you slaved over dinner and worked all day you keep going. I see you and I'm so stinking proud of you! We often don't stop and say this to other but we totally NEED to! Let's celebrate the little things in life. And more importantly let someone know you SEE them. You see their BIG heart & their big effort!

You see them working selflessly everyday for their family. Let them KNOW. That's what this courage card is for. It's to cheer the mess out of those you love. It's to let them know that even though it doesn't seem like anyone notices you see it. CHEER them on in the big things and the little things. Show them how grateful you are for them. It will mean the world to someone. It could be the difference between a good day and a bad day. And more importantly do this for yourself! This kind of encouragement from yourself is so important. Speak kind words to yourself and often.
These cards are great for giving to others. I have been so blessed by hearing how others use their courage cards. They keep the card in their wallet, at work station, in the bathroom, kitchen, or in the car. Plus you see that little heart on the back? Sign your name after it! So they remember you notice, you see them, the real them and it's amazing! That right there is a gift! Words are so powerful and when we show others we SEE them it sticks with them.
If you are reading this today and you needed this. Remember you are not alone. You are amazing and thank you for all you do in this beautiful world. Keep going! We also love feedback from our peeps. Comment below, share them on your social media and let us know how they encouraged you.
Shop this courage card HERE!